Friday, June 29, 2012

I Think She Deserved Better...

Noneal Davenport
My mama died of metastatic breast cancer two years and seven months ago.  She was a wonderful, gentle, kind and talented woman who worked hard raising four children and three step-children.  She also worked as a graphic artist for her own business and, later, as a substitute teacher for special ed classes.

 However, for 20+ years, she did not have health insurance, until she reached age 65, due to several serious pre-existing health conditions.  She did not go to the ER for sore throats and ear infections.  She worked hard to pay her bills to specialists, hospitals, and surgeons.  There were a number of times that her concerns and symptoms were overlooked by doctors because the tests she needed were too costly for someone without insurance.  As a result, I believe that the health care she was able to pay for out of pocket was inferior and sub-standard. 

I wish that she had been able to get the health coverage she deserved - regardless of her pre-existing conditions.  I wish that her many mammograms had been covered 100%.  I wish that she was alive today. 

If I take to heart some of the articles, posts and comments I’ve read in the past 24 hours, these wishes make me a “moron”, a “socialist”, a “bleeding heart”, an “imbecile”, and “brain – washed”.  And, apparently, my mama’s lack of health coverage made her a lazy, mooching, good-for-nothing low-life who got what she deserved…death.

 Luckily, I don’t believe everything I read, but… it still cuts me to the quick. 

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