Monday, December 26, 2011

My Thoughts on Teaching

It is my belief that a teacher’s influence on a child’s life is not restricted to the one hundred and eighty days that the child is in our classroom.  Our influence can last a lifetime.  I believe that it is the responsibility of educators to give their students what they need to become life- long learners.  I am certain that in order to become life-long learners, children need to become risk-takers.  I feel that this undertaking requires that the children trust that they are safe - both physically and emotionally - to explore, to discover and to make mistakes. 
 When I think back on the teachers that had a positive, long-lasting impact on my life, two women come to mind - my fifth grade teacher, Mrs. S and my senior English teacher, Mrs. E.
 Mrs. S’s love of reading was contagious!  I had always enjoyed reading, but, in fifth grade, I fell in love, after discovering that I could completely lose myself in a story.  From her, I learned that good teachers teach the fundamentals, but great teachers dare to model and share their own love of learning with their students.
            Mrs. E took the time to see potential and talent in me.  I saw in her eyes what I had been looking for in so many other teachers.  She made me believe that I could be successful in college classes.  She was able to do what other teachers could not, or would not, do.  I learned from Mrs. E that it is the small things that make the difference between being a good teacher and an outstanding teacher.  It is taking the time to look a student in the eye and daring to see past the masks that our students wear.  However, in order to recognize their masks, one must be willing to look past his/her own mask.  Outstanding teachers understand and accept this challenge. 

© Caroline Zimmer Photography

 I seek out the eyes of my students.  I seek out those elusive signs of hesitation, fear and insecurity.  I nurture their souls and love their minds.  I know that many of my young students will not remember my name when they grow up.  However, I rest in the faith that what they will remember is that somewhere along the way; someone ignited in them a love of learning and a belief in themselves that no one can ever take away.  I believe that is what outstanding teachers do.


Hippie Chick said...

This is one of my favorite photographs by Caroline Zimmer! Gorgeous!

Hippie Chick said...

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