To be trusted is a greater compliment than
being loved.
It takes years to build up trust and only
seconds to destroy it.
He, who does not trust enough, will not be
~Lao Tzu
Forgive me and indulge me as I state
the obvious – trust is everything. Trust is what decent society depends on to succeed. Trust is what binds us together. Trust is a prerequisite for love. Trust is a requirement of friendship. Trust is a precondition to respect. Trust is
innate. Trust is non-negotiable. Trust is an absolute.
As infants, we trust our parents to provide
food, warmth, safety, shelter and love.
As children, we trust our siblings with our first
As teenagers, we trust our first loves with
our hearts.
As parents, we trust our children to others.
As adults, we trust our spouses with our
laughter and our tears.
And the list goes on…
We trust doctors to heal us.
We trust bankers with our money.
We trust mechanics with our cars.
We trust politicians with our future.
We trust teachers to prepare us.
We trust weathermen to inform us.
We trust policemen to protect us.
We trust others to be decent people.
It is the foundation of all human relationships and interactions.
We love. We respect. We trust.
But what happens when this foundation
of trust breaks down? What happens when
we come across someone who does not recognize the value of trust?
– Someone who is incapable of or unwilling to
value and protect this foundation of trust?
-Someone who seems to take pleasure in breaking down this foundation of
-Someone who does not seem to understand that
trust requires a mutual relationship?
-Someone who expects to be trusted without
earning it or returning it?
-Someone who expects it, but does not
treasure it?
-Someone who is missing this innate ability
to trust?
What is his/her place in
society? What is his/her place in our
lives? Do we let him in? Do we let her stay? I do not know the answers
to my own questions. I suppose the
answers are particular to each situation.
Is this person…your child...your spouse…your sibling…your pastor…your
parent…your co-worker…your neighbor? Can
you live without them? Can you live
without trust? Can you live without that
What I do know and believe is that
trust is everything. I do know that as
humans we are born to love and trust each other. I know …
trust, there is nothing.